Riah Jaffrey
Riah is the host of the Grace Raised Podcast and visionary for the Grace Raised Ministry. She spends her free time raising ducks, writing poetry, and caring for her community alongside her husband of 12 years, and four children.
Though she has spent the last 15 years studying scripture and through educational ministry opportunities, it was not through academia she came to know the heart of Christ. She discovered her living relationship with Him not in the books and religious studies but through great loss, hardship, and heartbreak.
"I would rather have nothing and have Jesus; for even the greatest treasures of this world are meaningless compared to Christ. In Him, there is fullness of joy and glory beyond all imagination."

What is this all about?
Ministry is for every person in every area of our lives. We are living all in and the gifts and talents that God has given us are used for the Glory of God and the advances of the Gospel. My passion is breathing life into the church. Not the American church but rather the true body of Christ. I want you to know Jesus. I want you to know how to die so that you can live and fully abide in Christ. I want you to grow and to experience the freedom and true life altering joy and peace that comes from a living relationship with the Father. I want to challenge you and share real life applications of what it might look like for an average everyday person to walk with Jesus.
How wonderful and sweet is the presence of God? It is better than anything else on this earth. I have encountered incredible supernatural experiences with the Spirit of God beyond the interdwelling of the Holy Spirit in my everyday life. I have learned how truly ugly and messy my heart is and yet how loved and whole I have been made. I want you to know these same truths. I want you to walk in the true freedom and real life that we can have when we encounter and choose to walk with Him.